From Intern to Employee of the Year: This is Abdallah’s Journey to Success

For Abdallah Mbwana, finding the right words to express how grateful he is to have received a university scholarship proves difficult. “I don’t know how to fully express how grateful I am. If it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t be able to speak to you as I do now.”


Abdallah is one of Hatua’s beneficiaries and alumnus. After graduating in 2017 with a degree in electrical engineering, he joined as an intern and was one of the founding employees of its newly opened office in Kenya. Even though the team was small, Abdallah’s professionalism and diligence shone through. At the end of his internship, he was the only intern offered a permanent position among four interns who he started with at the company.


Abdallah’s secret to success is simple: “I just kept my head down and did my work, which surprised the management because they didn’t expect that level of professionalism from a fresh graduate. It impressed them.”


So what is professionalism according to Abdallah? “It’s how you carry yourself; what time you show up at work; how you address your colleagues, how you talk to clients, and how you dress. It’s about courtesy, respect, and language.”


In January 2020, before Covid struck, Abdallah was offered a new job as the Customer Site Engineer at Africa Data Centres, part of Liquid Intelligent Technologies Group. Despite 2020 being a rough year for most, it saw Abdallah’s diligence being rewarded. He was awarded Employee of the Year 2020 after only one year of work.

Recently, Abdallah signed up to become a Hatua mentor as a way of giving back to his community. Through mentoring, he hopes to offer career guidance to those facing the same challenges he went through while looking for internships and jobs. He also wants to share tips from the experience he has gained so far on the job.


“My greatest satisfaction in mentoring would be to see someone excel after following the advice I’ve given them.”


Thanks to Hatua and its supporters, Abdallah has been able to build an enviable career in the telecommunications industry. There is no doubt that we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Abdallah’s future career achievements and personal fulfillment.


To Hatua and its donors, Abdallah has only one wish: “Keep doing the good work that you’re doing. You’re not just providing an education to the youth of Mombasa, but you’re also empowering them through mentorship. It’s something that I would love to join them in doing.”


Would you like to help provide financial support for a brilliant youth from Mombasa? Sign up here.