UN Drug Awareness Day

In June of this year the students and staff of Hatua Likoni attended the annual drug awareness walk.The procession trudged from the police station down the main road in Likoni county. In attendance was the chief magistrate, the provincial commissioner, district commissioner and the representative for the United Nations organization charged with drug awareness and the eradication of the menace which is drug abuse.

Drug abuse is a serious problem in Kenya and particularly at the Coast which is where Likoni is located. The situation in Likoni is a recipe for one to slip into such anti social tendancies; however a place like Hatua empowerment library is a safe place in which the

youth and children

of Likoni community can avoid such behavior through self education about self reliance, self sufficiency and the fostering of high self esteem.

At the walk which is held annually and was held on June 26 respectively, the Hatua Likoni banner was flying high; Showing Hatua Likoni’s presence and support of such a positive cause within the community.