Peaceful elections in Likoni community

“We can’t take all the credit for the peaceful elections in Likoni–and the whole of Kenya–but we can say that we are glad for it.” said Gabrielle Fondiller, Hatua Likoni Director.

Hatua Likoni Civic Education Network made a video called, “Know Your Candidate.” After realising that some people in the community voted the wrong leaders due to limited knowledge about all the leaders, the Civic Education Network opted to do something about this by interviewing all willing Likoni Candidates.

The “Know Your Candidate” video consisted of interviews with candidates where they were talking about their roles, agendas, and responsibility to the Community. The video was aimed at informing society about the people who are vying for posts in Likoni.

The video gave Likoni residents a chance to know their leader and what the leader was planning to do for the community. The “Know Your Candidate” video was played in different areas in the Likoni Community, including open grounds, video cafes, restaurants, and social halls.

Before this video, Hatua Likoni had created a Peace video advert. This video consisted of different people in Likoni Community, that is religious leaders, business people, children, chiefs, musician to mention but a few, who all had a peace message for the Community. Click here to view the peace video on our YouTube page.

After making the “Know Your Candidate” and “Peace” video advert, Hatua Likoni hoped for a peaceful election and thanks to God, all went well.